Headline Hamburgefontsiv

Subheadline Hamburgefontsiv

Teilüberschrift Hamburgefontsiv

Card Headline Hamburgefontsiv

Ziertext Hamburgefontsiv

To edit an element, simply hover over the element and click on the Edit icon within the hover controls. This will load the Element Options Panel, and here you will be able to adjust the various options for that specific element. You can see an example of the modal bellow.

Text Hamburgefontsiv

To edit an element, simply hover over the element and click on the Edit icon within the hover controls. This will load the Element Options Panel, and here you will be able to adjust the various options for that specific element. You can see an example of the modal bellow.

Also, the system of actions that can be applied to an element is done not only from the top right toolbar, but also from the right-click. The right-click can be triggered by any type of tree-view.

The elements are using the flexbox system which you can apply to align your content vertically or horizontally inside columns and sections.​